
New Momma Tips That I Wish I Knew Before Having a Baby

This post is sponsored by Pampers Pure.

New mommas — this post is for you.  We’ve all been the “new mom”, where we feel like we don’t know much about this new life & think everyone else has it all figured out.  Truth is, I’m pretty sure none of us will ever fully figure it out, but we’ll learn a few things along the way.

Today, I am sharing TEN of my favorite new momma tips that I wish I knew before having my little baby boy!

  1. Enjoy the NOW.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve  worried about tomorrow instead of enjoying today.  Putting my phone down and spending quality time with Rhett has been some of my favorite moments of being a mom.
  2. It’s okay to be overly emotional and cry.  I can’t count the amount of times I’ve felt like I was being weak for crying when it hurt. IT’S OKAY TO BE UPSET.  Give yourself some grace momma, you are amazing.
  3. Rubbing the space between babe’s eyes seriously helps them to fall asleep.  TRY IT!
  4. Pampers Pure is going to be your go to baby wipe and diaper destination.  My journey into a more natural life led me to the Pampers Pure Collection.  Pampers Pure diapers are made of premium cotton, cute designs, and have major leak protection.  The most important part to me is that their diapers are free of fragrance, chlorine bleaching, parabens, and 26 allergens identified by the European Union.   Pampers Pure wipes are made of 99% water and premium cotton as well!  Pampers Pure Collection is seriously my go to.  They now sell Pampers Pure at MEJIER, YESSSS!  One of my favorite stores to shop.  There are so many options to choose from, but as a new momma, I feel completely relieved that Pampers Pure has made an option for us natural or wannabe natural mommas (me). 🙂
  5. Take advantage of the carriers.  I didn’t use them as much as I should’ve.  I could have gotten a lot more done around the house, if I carried him.  AND, I would still have gotten all the cuddles.
  6. You’re going to be at home a lot more than you used to be.  One thing that really worked for us when Rhett couldn’t go out in public, was to drive to a store where Rhett and Ross would stay in the car, while momma could take 15 minutes to shop and just be “me” again.
  7. Allow your husband to make decisions too.  When Rhett was first born, I thought I was 100% the decision maker and that Ross couldn’t possibly make the right decisions like I could. WRONG. Ross loves Rhett just as much as I do. (Even though I have trouble imagining how that could be, haha!) He has a different perspective than I do sometimes, but that doesn’t mean he is wrong.  In fact, when I started listening to his advice a bit more, I started opening up my mind and even went with his recommendations over my initial thoughts.  Turns out he has some pretty good ideas.
  8. If you are breastfeeding and/or pumping, button down shirts are your best friend.
  9. Don’t listen to what everyone else has to say.  You can take in what people say, read articles, and then make that best choice for your family.  I can’t count the number of times that I took someone else’s advice over my gut instinct and  their decision ended up being the wrong one for my family.
  10. And lastly…. see your husband.  You’re a new momma and this perfect little human just became your entire world.  It’s easy to get lost in that little babe and see nothing else.  It’s easy to stop talking to your hubs or take for granted that he is there to be your HUGE SUPPORT SYSTEM.  There were many nights at the beginning that I remember waking up, going through our day, and going to bed without having a genuine conversation with my husband.   I look back and see all the times he tried to cuddle or talk, and most of the time I would push him away, because I wanted to talk about my little boo boo or choose to say uh huh and spend time on my phone.  I regret that one.
  11. BONUS TIP:  You didn’t think I would leave you with only ten tips did you? Haha!  Make an extra diaper bag for the car!  Those first couple weeks I forgot our main diaper bag the majority of the time and then we would have to go out and buy diapers in the middle of our outing.  It was crazy and I was always super embarrassed.  We finally put extra diapers, first aid kits, wipes, and bottles in our car and since then,  we’re always ready! 🙂

These ten tips are tips that I wish I knew before I had my little baby boy.   I hope this article helps you as well!  What’s one tip you have for a new momma?

Thank you for reading and until next time….



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